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ul. Mikołaja Kopernika 15/6, Warszawa

May 26 – June 24, 2023

Tuesday – Saturday

12 am – 18 pm

“Historie dzieją się na naszych oczach”

“Stories are happening before our eyes”

Bolesław Chromry – Dawid Czycz – Monika Drożyńska – Wiktor Gałka – Andrzej Kulig – Krzysztof Marchlak – Kaja Pilch – Adam Rzepecki – Magdalena Sawicka – Witold Stelmachniewicz – Julia Szymczykowska – Zuzanna Zawłocka

Stories are happening before our eyes

– What matters is who tells the story and how.

– It’s perverse to start the story by saying that once upon a time, no one confided in such a sudden way about everything. Everyday life and trivialities were reserved for the family and the diary. When the character played by Bardini in Kieslowski’s film recounted a dramatic event from his life, it was told in a seemingly straightforward manner, but at the same time you could feel the overwhelming power of the confession. And you had time to listen to this confession.

– The storyteller must not be interrupted. In ancient times, one could have been imprudently stabbed through with a spear. But should one only talk about important things? What about the crumbs of everyday life? They are what really make us and say so much about us.

– Like instagram cooking reels?- No, like small gestures that are important, like stroking your head to check your hairstyle and make sure everything is OK.

– And how does that relate to finding out at the same time what’s going on in the faraway world? A hundred years ago, people didn’t hear about every conflict, hurricane and traffic collision somewhere on a US road.

– But now we know about it, and in another hundred years we may be flying suborbital to work in an Asian factory. A synthetic meat factory.

– I’m not interested in life a hundred years from now, let’s talk about what’s happening now. So much of history is happening before our eyes.

– So everyone will tell a different story, and even if it were one story, everyone would still tell it differently.- Perfect, so let everyone tell their own story.

– And who will tell the story of war?

Agnieszka Gołębiewska and Mariusz Horanin